We enjoy working with a broad range of clients, from individual founders to established organisations.

The City of Edinburgh Council

The problem

The City of Edinburgh Council issued an "Open Innovation Challenge" to design a solution to automate the management of their community benefits. They had been collating evidence manually, which was wasting valuable staff time and was prone to human error.

The solution

  1. Automates the collection of evidence and scores for the community benefits delivered in their contracts;
  2. Generates reports to help them realise their benefits, answer their elected members, and celebrate their successes; and
  3. Provides a shared national platform, where suppliers have a single account per user and a standardised way of inputting data.

"Recommending Wildcat Applications is easy. They embraced problem solving rather than specification delivery, and bring a different view on how to develop functionality elegantly and not make do."

Mollie Kerr, The City of Edinburgh Council


The problem

Kindaba needed to set up more secure infrastructure and processes for hosting their private social networking application for families, so that they could differentiate themselves from Facebook and other applications which sell access to their customers' data.

The solution

  1. Automates the deployment of the application's user interface and API to ensure consistency and avoid any human error;
  2. Isolates access to and permissions for essential services, so that only appropriate staff have access and any breach can be contained; and
  3. Backs up precious family memories from the database and file storage to multiple separate geographic locations in Europe.

"Wildcat have been crucial to ensuring our platform is secure and scalable. We are passionate about keeping families connected through technology and we’re thankful to Wildcat for their expertise and for their understanding of our customers' needs."

Robert Gelb, Kindaba Limited

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

The problem

RICS needed to develop an application to allow chartered surveyors to subscribe to their CPD programme, book tickets to seminars and conferences, watch recorded webcasts of previous sessions, discuss topics with the speakers and their peers, and keep their CPD records up to date.

The solution

  1. Met the previous year's target for paid subscriptions in a single month, through the use of automated email reminders;
  2. Generates revenues from a new source by allowing the sale of recorded webcasts online, around the world; and
  3. Frees up valuable staff time by allowing members to manage their own individual and corporate subscriptions.

"I would recommend Wildcat Applications to anyone who is looking for a solution which benefits from an amazingly conscientious attention to detail and meets needs you hadn't anticipated."

Ben Hull, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Technologies we use:

Contact Us

If you need more information about our services, would like to work with us, or need our support, please get in touch.

+44 (0)56 0386 2504

Teomach Limited

Bright Red Triangle

10 Bainfield Drive

Edinburgh EH11 1AR

United Kingdom